2015 孝親報恩梁皇法會




         耑此  順頌     三陽和諧                     佛光山三寶寺 謹啟

820      (週四)       7:00pm ~ 9:30pm 薰壇灑淨、禮拜梁皇寶懺卷一
821 ~ 22(週五~) 9:30am ~ 9:30pm 禮拜梁皇寶懺卷二 ~ 卷九
823      (週日)       9:30am ~ 6:00pm 禮拜梁皇寶懺卷十、三時繫念佛事

1.  總會主(超薦牌位5座、全家消災、發起人)                                              
2.     (超薦牌位3座、全家消災、發起人)                                    
3.     (超薦牌位2座、二名闔家消災)                                        
4.   :  大牌位 /小牌位  
5.   :  大祿位 /小祿位 
6.  發起人
7.  供齋
8.  供花果
9.  贊普
10. 十供養 

地址:  1750 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94109
電話:  415-776-6538   
傳真:  415-776-6954    
網址:  www.sanbaotemple.org
Email:  sanbaotemple.sf@gmail.com


American Buddhist Cultural Society 

Emperor Liang Dharma-assembly of Filial-piety & Gratitude

For the Dharma does not arise alone, reliant upon conditions does it emerge.
Emperor Liang and Master Zhi initialized mercy and employed compassion,
Commencing the rare and extraordinary Repentance
While building the accumulation of transgression-eliminating merits.
Relatives and those we are grateful to of the Three Mires are freed from suffering
As human and celestial beings enhance their lotus grades.

In order to promote the Month of Filial Piety through encouragement of the virtues of filial piety and gratitude, and give opportunity to commemorate our ancestors, as well as friends, American Buddhist Cultural Society will conduct the Emperor Liang Dharma-assembly of Filial-piety & Gratitude from August 20 through August 23rd.  Meritorious virtues will be dedicated towards rebirth in the Pureland for those who have departed, for the blessings and wisdom of our laity and peace within society as well as the world.  You and your family are cordially invited to participate in this event, together acquiring benefits of the Dharma.

                                                                           American Buddhist Cultural Society

August 20 (Thursday) 7:00pm~9:30pm
        Purification、Repentance Scroll 1
August 21~22 (Fri~Sat) 9:30am~9:30pm
        Repentance Scrolls 2 ~ 9
August 23 (Sunday) 9:30am~6:00pm
        Repentance Scroll 10, Amitabha Thrice Yearning Service

1. Main Assembly Head:(5 memorial plaques, disaster eradication & initiator)
2. Assembly Head: (3 memorial plaques, disaster eradication & initiator)
3. Repentance Head: (2 memorial plaques & disaster eradication)
4. Memorial Plaques: large plaque/small plaque
5. Disaster Eradication: large plaque/small plaque
6. Initiator
7. Meal Offering
8. Flower & Fruit Offering
9. Universal Food
10. Ten Offerings


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