2015 供僧道糧


供養僧寶大福田   培植功德廣無邊
晝夜六時恆吉祥   常得妙樂壽綿延



8/28/98/16星期日  10:30Am12:30pm
地藏菩薩本願經 (上、中、下卷)


地址:  1750 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94109
電話: 415-776-6538   
傳真: 415-776-6954    
網址: www.sanbaotemple.org
Email:  sanbaotemple.sf@gmail.com


FGS Sangha-offering of Cultivation
Making offerings to the great field of blessings of the Sangha-treasure,
One cultivates meritorious virtues expansively without bound.
The six periods of day and night are continually auspicious
Constantly in wondrous bliss, longevity is lengthened.
The annual Emperor Liang Dharma-assembly of Filial Piety and Gratitude along with Sangha Day are approaching. In observance of the Buddha’s teaching, our Master has set the season as Filial Piety Month to create merits and virtues from offerings to the monastic community as expression of one’s filial piety.
Since its founding, by means of the continued support of countless benefactors, Fo Guang Shan has nurtured and educated more than 1000 monastics—whether they are teaching at home or advancing their studies abroad. Additionally, those still diligently studying in the Buddhist Seminary also number in the hundreds—they are the future leaders of Buddhism, guides and protectors of the world’s sentient beings. Enabling the monastic community to cultivate without burden of mind and propagate the Dharma to benefit beings, is due to the enthusiastic support of benefactors such as yourself for which appreciation surpasses beyond words.
In order to promote filial piety and the Sangha-offering which plant blessings, you are invited to make donations as you wish; by such rare and extraordinary strengths of goodness may the four gratitudes be repaid above, and the suffering of the three paths be rescued below.As appreciation for the offering of cultivation provisions by benefactors, dedications will be made for the longevity of one’s present-life parents and the rebirth into Buddha-lands for those deceased.
8/28/98/16 Sundays  10:30am~12:20pm    
Ksitigarbha Sutra

1. Rice 
2. Clothing 
3. Medicine
4. Open donation :

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