


1750 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94109 
Fax: 415-776-6954
website: www.sanbaotemple.org
email:  sanbaotemple.sf@gmail.com


國曆    星期   法會活動  12/25    五    農曆十一月十五    11:00am
1/10      日    阿彌陀經  (農曆十二月初一)    10:30am
1/17      日    法寶節–佛陀成道紀念日(臘八粥結緣)    10:30am
1/24      日    八十八佛大懺悔文 (農曆十二月十五日)    10:30am
                     出坡結緣日(道場大掃除)    1:00pm
1/31      日    2015年光明燈圓燈法會 / 圍爐    10:30am
2/7        日    除夕:延生普佛、新春燒頭香    8:00pm
2/8        一    大年初一    上供/平安燈上燈法會    11:00am
                                         禮千佛法會    7:30pm
2/13     六    供佛齋天-請聖    8:00pm
2/14     日    供佛齋天 - 獻供    9:30am
2/22     一    農曆一月十五日    11:00am
2/28     日    2016年光明燈上燈法會    10:30am

每周日共修法會         10:30am

第一周: 藥師經
第二周: 阿彌陀經
第三周: 普門品
第四周: 八十八佛大懺悔文
第五周: 金剛經

日期/星期                    課程                                  時間每月第一個星期四    歡喜人生 -松鶴營             10:00am – 2:00pm
每月第一個星期四    歡喜人生 - 讀書會            2:00pm – 3:30pm
隔週日                        英文佛學班–面授課程     9:00am - 10:15am
每週日                        英文佛學班–遠距課程     7:00pm – 8:00pm
每週日                        三好中文班                      10:30am –12:30pm
每週日                        歡喜人生 – 排舞班          2:00pm – 3:00pm
每月星期三                大智度論                          2:00pm -  4:00pm


Fo Guang Shan-American Buddhist Cultural Society

Dec 2015~Feburary2016 Event Calendar

1750 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94109 
Tel: 415-776-6538 
Fax:  415-776-6954
email: sanbaotemple.sf@gmail.com  
website: www.sanbaotemple.org


1/10     SUN    Amitabha Buddha Sutra  (1st day of the 12th lunar month)    10:30am
1/17     SUN    Shakyamuni Buddha Enlightenment Day    10:30am
1/24     SUN    Eighty-eight Buddhas Repentance  (15th day of the 12th lunar month)    10:30am
                        Volunteer at the Temple Day – Temple Spring Cleaning     1:00pm
1/31     SUN    2015 Lamp Completion Dharma-Assembly    10:30am
2/7       SUN    New Year’s Eve Dharma Service     8:00pm
2/8       MON   Noon Offering Peace lantern Inauguration    11:00am
                        Homage to Thousand Buddhas Dharma Service    7:30pm
2/13     SAT      Offering to the Buddhas and Celestial Guardians-Purification and Invitation to the
                             Holy    8:00pm
2/14     SUN    Offering to the Buddhas and Celestial Guardians - Offering Ceremony    9:30am
2/22     MON    1st day of the 1st lunar month    11:00am
2/28     SUN     2016 Radiant Lamp Inauguration Dharma Assembly    10:30am

Sunday Dharma Service     10:30am

First Sunday : Medicine Buddha Sutra
Second Sunday : Amitabha Buddha Sutra
Third Sunday : Universal Gate Chapter
Fourth Sunday : Eighty-eight Buddha Repentance
Fifth Sunday : Diamond Sutra


DAY                                           COURSE / TIME 1st Thursday of every month    Joy of Life – Senior Activities    10:00am - 2:00pm
1st Thursday of every month    Joy of Life – Chinese Buddhism Class    2:00pm – 3:30pm
Every Other Sunday                 English Buddhism Class    9:00am – 10:15am
Every Sunday                           Online English Buddhism Class    7:00pm – 8:00pm
Every Sunday                           Three Good Actions Chinese Class    10:30am-12:30pm
Every Sunday                           Joy of Life – Line Dance Class    2:00pm - 3:00pm
Every Wednesday                    Great Treatise on the Perfection of Wisdom       2:00pm - 4:00pm

2016 供佛齋天法會



三寶功德不可量  隨機感應遍十方
誠心皈敬增福慧  妙味齋天保平安



佛光山三寶寺 謹啟

2016年2月13日 週六 《供佛齋天‧請聖》 8:00pm
2016年2月14日 週日 《供佛齋天‧獻供》 9:30am


地址:1750 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA  94109
Email: sanbaotemple.sf@gmail.com


American Buddhist Cultural Society

Celestial Offering Dharma-assembly Announcement

Meritorious virtues of the Triple-treasure are immeasurable,
Responses in accord to opportunities pervade the ten directions.
Pious refuge and prostration increase blessings and wisdom.
Wondrous flavors offered to celestial beings ensure safety and peace.

The meritorious virtues of the Triple-treasure is immeasurable and boundless; those who whole-heartedly seek refuge reap blessings in abundance. Benevolent spirits and the myriad celestial beings respond to virtuous practices, as wondrous flavors offered definitely receive protection. In order to support blessings in the human world and aid the three mires of the dark realms, ABCS has set February13th and 14th , 2016, as the Celestial Offering Dharma-assembly, devoutly preparing incense, flowers, fruits, and the butter of wondrous offerings to offer up to the eternally abiding Triple-treasure, Dharma-protectors, dragons, and celestial-beings. Benevolent causes accumulated shall be dedicated to Dharma-protecting devotees’ lengthened blessings and longevity. At that time you and your family are cordially invited to come and equally receive Dharma benefits.

American Buddhist Cultural Society

February 13th Saturday 《Invitation to the Holy》 8:00pm
February 14th Sunday《Making Offerings》 9:30am

1. Offering to Triple-treasure, Celestial beings, Attendants
2. Offering to Buddha-treasure
3. Offering to Dharma-treasure
4. Offering to Sangha-treasure
5. Offering to Celestial beings
6. Offering to Attendants
7. Flower & Fruit Offering
8. Meal Offering

2016 新春法會 平安燈法會


啟建《新春法會》 暨《平安燈法會》通啟




    耑此  順頌   
                                                                                                                       佛光山三寶寺 謹啟

    1月31日 週日    《光明燈圓燈法會》    10:30am   ~    12:30pm
    2月 7 日 週日    《除夕普佛/上頭香》     8:00pm   ~    11:00pm
    2月 8 日 週一    《上供.平安燈上燈》11:00am   ~    12:30pm
    2月 8 日 週一    《新春禮千佛法會》     7:30pm   ~     9:00pm
    2月13日 週六    《供佛齋天.請聖》     8:00pm   
    2月14日 週日    《供佛齋天.獻供》     9:30am    ~    12:30pm
    2月28日 週日    《光明燈上燈法會》    10:30am   ~    12:30pm

1.大燈 (全家名)   
2.中燈  (1名闔家)   
3.小燈  (個人)  

地址:1750 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94109
電話: (415)776-6538 
傳真: (415)  776-6954
網址: www.sanbaotemple.org 
Email:  sanbaotemple.sf@gmail.com


American Buddhist Cultural Society

New Year’s Dharma-assembly & Peace Lantern Announcement

Dearest Dharma Friends,

The Lunar New Year is quickly approaching! American Buddhist Cultural Society has scheduled special services such as Prostrating to the Thousand Buddhas Dharma-assembly, Peace Lanterns Assembly, and Celestial Banquet-offering Dharma-assembly.

By the aiding-strength of the Triple-treasures, may all find safety in the home, harmony in society, affluence of the economy and peace throughout the world. You and your family are cordially invited to attend these services and share in the bliss of the Dharma. We sincerely wish you a Happy Lunar New Year, and may you and yours be blessed with joy and prosperity!

                                                                                                        American Buddhist Cultural Society

    January  31th   Sun    2015 Radiant Lamp-Completion Service  10:30am    ~    12:30pm
    February 7th    Wed    New Year’s Eve Service  8:00pm   
    February 8th    Thu    New Year’s Peace Lantern Inauguration  11:00am    ~    12:30pm
    February 8th    Thu    Prostrating to the Thousand Buddhas   7:30pm    ~     9:00pm
    February 13th  Thu    Celestial Offering Dharma-assembly (Invitational)  8:00pm   
    February 14th   Fri    Celestial Offering Dharma-assembly (Offering)  9:30am    ~    12:30pm
    February 28rd  Sun    2016 Radiant Lamp Inauguration Service  10:30am    ~    12:30pm

1.  Large Peace Lantern
2.  Medium Peace Lantern   
3.  Small Peace Lantern
4.  Meal Offering
5.  Flower & Fruit Offering
6.  Snack Offering

2016 光明燈通啟


啟建  2015 年度光明燈圓燈法會 

2016 年度光明燈上燈法會 通啟





          2016年    1月    31日    星期日    10:30am

          2016年    2月    28日    星期日    10:30am
    耑此  順頌   
                                                                                                                       佛光山三寶寺 謹啟

1) 一名闔家
2) 個人一名

地址:1750 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94109
電話: (415)776-6538   
傳真: (415)  776-6954
網址: www.sanbaotemple.org   
Email:  sanbaotemple.sf@gmail.com


2016 Radiant Lamps Lamp-inauguration Dharma-assembly Announcement

Dearest Dharma-protectors and Devotees,

Amitabha Buddha!  Your continued care and support of the temple throughout the year has been deeply felt and is greatly appreciated. As a final dedication, during this season of change from the old to the new year, Sunday, January 31th , 2016 has been set as the date of the Lamp-completion Dharma-assembly for the radiant lamps of 2015.

The Meritorious Virtues of Offering Lamps Sutra states that when offering bright lamps, one may obtain disaster-eradication, full and complete features, career favorability and peace for one’s family. In lighting radiant lamps, we hope to light our inner lamps of wisdom, compassion, proper views, and harmony, allowing us to be reasonable, compassionate and happy people.

To allow for your punctual attendance of each Dharma-assembly, the times and dates are as follows:

Sunday, January 31th , 2016 at 10:30am
    《Radiant Lamps of 2015 Lamp-completion Dharma-assembly》
Sunday, February 28th, 2016 at 10:30am
    《Radiant Lamps of 2016 Lamp-inauguration Dharma-assembly》

We cordially invite both your family and friends to attend these great events and make prostrations to the Buddha and together benefiting from the Dharma.

                                                                                                        American Buddhist Cultural Society

Donations: Annual Radiant Lamp
         1) One Name+Family
         2) One Name

Address: 1750 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel: (415) 776-6538
Fax: (415) 776-6954   
Website: www.sanbaotemple.org
email: sanbaotemple.sf@gmail.com