2015 藥師法會通啟




   耑此 順頌    三陽和諧
                                      佛光山三寶寺 謹啟

117日(週六) 灑淨、《藥師經》、上供、拜願、延生普佛  10:00am ~ 9:30pm
118(週日) 禮拜《慈悲藥師寶懺》、上供、總回向      10:00am ~ 5:00pm


  1. 總會主燈(全家消災、上文疏)
  2. 會主燈(全家消災)
  3. 壇主燈(4名闔家)
  4. 藥師燈(1名闔家)
  5. 琉璃燈(個人)
  6. 隨喜燈(共同一盞)
  7. 供齋結緣
  8. 供花果或供點

1750 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94109       
FAX:  415-776-6954        
Email:  sanbaotemple.sf@gmail.com


2015 Medicine Buddha Dharma Service

Ten thousand people cultivate morals, concentration, and wisdom;
A thousand families light lamps day and night.
Eradicate calamities and extend life, always joyous and celebrative;
Increase fortune and enhance virtue, spring is on earth.

Dear Dharma Friends and Devotees,
           In celebration of the Medicine Buddha's birthday, A.B.C.S will be holding a 2-day Dharma service on Nov. 7-8, 2015.  During the service, the Medicine Buddha Sutra will be recited and lamps offered in the Main Shrine, the merit of which will serve as the bridge connecting us with the Medicine Buddha. We dedicate all merits from the service for world peace and blessings for the family members of every devotee.  May all be blessed with joy, wisdom, and peace!

                                                                                                 Yours in the Dharma,   A.B.C.S

Sat, Nov. 7 Purification. The Medicine Buddha Sutra. Longevity Service 10:00am~9:30pm
Sun, Nov. 8 The Medicine Buddha Repentance Service. 10:00am~5:00pm


  1. Main Assembly Head
  2. Assembly Head
  3. Platform Head
  4. Medicine-Buddha Lamp
  5. Crystal Lamp
  6. Rejoicing Lamp
  7. Meal Offering
  8. Fruit & Flower Offerings