





法會時間: 星期日 10:00am


1. 年度懺主

2. 單次懺主

3. 單次消災

4. 供齋.供花果

地址:1750 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA 94109網址:www.SanBaoTemple.org

電話:415-776-6538 傳真:415-776-6954 電子郵件:sanbao@ibps.org

功德項目:□年度懺主 □單次懺主 □單次消災 □供齋$隨喜 □供花果

Donations Year-long Repentance One-time Repentance One-time Blessing Meal Offering Fruit & Flower Offering
The Great Compassion Repentance
If any being suffers from anguish or distress, one may single-mindedly recite Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva’s name, contemplating this sound, shall come forth in rescue. It is because of these conditions that this bodhisattva is named as “Contemplator of the World’s Sounds.”

The Great Compassion Repentance, the most widely practiced repentance, was written by Master Zhi-Li of the Tian-tai School, in accordance with the Great Compassion Heart Dharani Sutra. The Great Compassion Mantra is the Avalokitesvara (Guan Yin) Bodhisattva’s formula for the great compassion and unsurpassed bodhi mind, which universally delivers all sentient beings from the mundane to the sacred.

By performing the Great Compassion Repentance and through the Bodhisattva’s compassionate strength, all internal afflictions and external sufferings may be eradicated. At the same time, vows and cultivation of both oneself and others can be perfected.

Time: Sunday 10:00 am



1. One-time Repentance

2. One-time Blessing

3. Meal, Flower & Fruit Offering

Address: 1750 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94109 Website: www.SanBaoTemple.org

Tel: 415-776-6538 Fax: 415-776-6954 Email: sanbao@ibps.org